7 LEAF WILD GYNOSTEMMA: Immunity + Longevity Loose Leaf Tea Skip to content


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Gynostemma is a premium organic tea proven to improve immunity, support longevity, and help maximize health benefits. This powerful antioxidant rich tonic has shown to help combat the effects of aging and promote overall wellbeing. 

It does this mainly through the many saponins found within its microbiological DNA = which are the crucial component in its wonders of longevity, and support keeping all systems in balance.

• Energizing Mood Balance

• Powerful Immune Support

• Elevate Your Inner Spirit

• Promotes a Youthful Glow

This very special and nourishing tonic herb enriches all Three Treasures - Jing, Qi, and Shen and promotes a wide range of benefits for the entire body. It’s an excellent overall energy tonic, that can instantly boost your mood and activate your spiritual side.

Gynostemma has been revered as the “Miracle of Life” for many years throughout Asia, because of it’s profound ability to prolong life. In fact, many people from the Guizo province, where it first originated, have longer lifespans than just about anyone else in the entire world.

Enjoy the natural sweet, earthy flavor and healthful benefits of this seasonal tea.

Organic Seven Leaves Wild Gynostemma (Jaiogulan) Tea.

Amount per container:

3.5oz (100g) loose leaf tea

Servings per container: 

20 full servings (of multiple infusions)

Use 1 tsp (5g) of gynostemma leaf per 4oz cup. Boil pure water to about 200º F and infuse the leaves for about 3-4 mins. You may try shorter infusion times, with multiple infusions of the same leaf. Each infusion will have it's own special qualities and varying unique tastes + aromas.

Our sweet variety of jaiogulan will only taste bitter in the case of over-brewing. Over-brewing is the result of either too much dried leaf being used, too long of brewing time, or water temperature simply being too high.